@thebirthdayboys for Halloween? I got 10 dads #DoIEvenNeedToSayIt? pic.twitter.com/Mdva2TA1tL
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T-shirt Idea:
If you got attitude
Go find a new latitude
(If anyone gets rich off this idea you owe us one free tee)
HALLOWEEN HANGOVER CURE! https://itun.es/i6BT4dj #WomenAreFunny
Check out my @thebirthdayboys knuckle tattoo. pic.twitter.com/iulWaYZJ7y
RIP Mitch, Tim's dick, and Mitch's dick?
.@caseyrosewilson as Officer Vickers = EMMY #womenarefunny #joinordie
Anybody want to get a circle of dough, cut into triangles, put some cheese on it?
Hard Stat: 90 percent of pregnant women turn out to be men with basketballs tucked under their shirts.
RIP Tim's dick. pic.twitter.com/fENf3llirg
.@NickCorirossi You, like Dicky, will die by our hands!!!!